Sunday, May 26, 2013

And the cast is off! WOOT!

Hi everyone!

I hope you're enjoying this lovely rain filled, freezing, Memorial Day weekend! I know I am! Tomorrow actually looks like it's going to be really nice out!
So awesome stuff happened this week- I finally got my cast off!! I've never felt so liberated in my life! haha. The best part is being able to take a shower sans plastic bag & being able to put my own hair up in a pony tail! Now that I think about it, time actually flew by with the cast on- It was over before I knew it. I complained a lot during that time- and I'm sorry for that- but it really sucked. haha.
My doctor said that as far as he could tell, the wrist is all healed. I have to wear a brace for a while since it's still weak. I'm going for a physical therapy consult on Tuesday, and hopefully they'll let me know when I can get back to my normal CF routine!
It's been so weird not having the cast on- I'm still doing stuff as if it were on- like writing. I've never been a righty, but for some reason, it feels better to write with my right hand now! My hand-writing is terrible, but it works. I'm obviously still using my beloved ketlle-bell to workout. It's going to be a while before I get back on the bar. However, this past week, one of our WODs consisted of split jerks. We were only practicing with the bars, so I figured I would give it a shot. I took the lightest bar- 15lbs to see if I was able to use it. My grip was horrible- because I had the brace on. It was like a bird claw, crazy grip. Not anything that Mike would approve of, but I was just trying it out! He told me not to add any weight to it, but of course I didn't listen. I added on a 5lb plate to each side and tried it out. Things got a little spicy, so I shut it down and took the extra weight off. I didn't want to cause any more damage. I went back to my trusty kettle-bell.

Sometimes I feel like I'll never get back to the weights that I was using for certain movements before I the break. It just seems like yesterday, that I was able to snatch, clean, and press a lot more weight than a 26lb kettle-bell. I know I have to be positive- and I know I'll get there some day, but it just seems so far away. I just have to stop feeling sorry for myself, and focus on the progress that I've made so far. The WOD that made me feel amazing this week was this gem:


 3 Rounds for time:
500m Row
15 Hand Release Push Ups
25 Kettlebell Swings (35lbs)

I've been getting pretty good at the one armed row. It takes me a lot longer than everyone else to finish (obviously), but I finish. I can't do push ups still, so instead Mike had me do a one armed bench press. I tried to do it with a 26lb KB, but after the one armed row, I could only get through one round with that weight. For the second and third rounds I switched to an 18lb KB. 
The prescribed weight for the kettle bell swings for the ladies was 35lbs. I haven't been able to do KB swings with two arms with 35lbs! I wanted to give it a try one armed, to see what happened. I kept the 26lb close just in case things got crazy. Once I got going with the workout- I was killing that 35lb KB swing. I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I'd make it through the entire 3 rounds with 35lbs, but I did. And it was a PR for my regular 2 armed swing! I definitely felt that one the day after. My shoulder was burning! It felt great to finally get a PR, since I haven't had one since the cast went on. 

This coming Saturday is RCFBC's first internal competition- The BareCove Box Battle! I was paired up with one of the other owners, Chris. He is hilarious and an awesome athlete and person. I so happy I get to be partners with him. I hope he knows what he's in for with me as a partner! I already told him that I have a costume, and I expect him to have one as well! HINT HINT- Sharon- Make sure he has one!! HAHA. 
I can't wait for this competition. I love the atmosphere in the box during competitive events. Everyone is so jazzed up- it's something that I can't explain. It's just awesome. It's going to be AMAZING!! 

OMG- I forgot to tell you guys about the Crossfit Regionals that I went to last Saturday!!!! It was literally one of the best days of my life. I have never seen so many amazing athletes in one place. These competitors make you want to work even harder. I can't imagine doing all of those workouts in one day. It was nuts. These men and women are absolute beasts. The other awesome thing was being able to see how big the crossfit community really is. People traveled from all over the Northeast to be there and support the athletes that were participating. I had the best time meeting new people, and hanging out with the people from my box. I can't wait to go back again next year. It also wasn't a bad thing that most of the guys participating and in the stands did not have shirts on! :) I took about 100 pictures of Spencer Hendel and Daniel Tyminski's butt and bare chest and arms. I'm such a creep. LOL. I know it's a long shot, but I hope that one day, I am able to participate as part of a team from my box at regionals. That is an extremely long term goal in life. Like  very long term. But it's something that I look forward to. 

But for now, I'm going to rest up. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and we are doing one of the hero wods called "Murph" which consists of the following:

Run 1 mile
100 Pullups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 mile

Named in honor of Operation Red Wings hero Lieutenant (SEAL) Michael Patrick Murphy, this punishing workout is often undertaken on Memorial Day...the Memorial Day Murph. WOOF. I hate running. Like a lot. 

So tomorrow, thank a veteran and/or current service member. Appreciate everything that they have done for us to ensure our safety and freedom. Enjoy the day, have fun, & be safe! 

Love you all! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I LOVE my box!

Hi everybody!

Just a quick Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there- your children appreciate you more than you know- trust me! To my mom- thanks for being amazing, wonderful, beautiful, funny, supportive, & all around awesome. I literally would not be who I am today without you! <3

Ok, so this week has made me realize how much I truly love my box (gym) and the people in it. Not that I didn't love it before, but I've finally figured out that RCFBC is a place that I love to be. Yes, you read that right, I love to be at my gym. Even though I have a love-hate relationship with most of the programmed wods, I can honestly say I've never felt bad after finishing them....except that one where I broke my wrist- LOL. But seriously- when you are sweating profusely, and people are still giving you high fives and disgusting sweaty hugs, life is good.
Mike (my awesome, fabulous, wonderful, funny coach), who knows I LOVE Batman, made me my very own custom kettle "bat"!
He is literally the most adorable human. I've been using that KB like a champ, and even when this stupid cast comes off, I'll still have a warm place in my heart for the good ole' kettle bat!

There has been an influx of members who are only able to use one arm- due to various injuries- which has been pretty awesome for me. It means I get to not feel like the black sheep of the class...hahaha. It also means, that for partner wods, I get to have another one armed partner!! Woop! This arm ain't keeping me down! I've been able to keep up with the class, and have even graduated a tiny bit (I did 5 snatches with a 36lb kettlebell)!! That's pretty awesome!
Most of this weeks' wods were rough...ok, all of them were absolutely brutal. The one that I hated the most was this gem:


7 min. AMRAP
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
5 L Sit Pull Ups

First off, I didn't even know what the heck an L-sit pull up was. If you want to know, check this out: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? I can't even do a regular pull up with two arms, never mind this wacko L craziness. I wouldn't be doing those anyhow. When I asked Mike what he wanted me to do instead, he suddenly got this look on his face, and a little sparkle in his eyes. He ran over to the rig & got a one of the rings that we use for ring dips & muscle ups. He proceeded to make this pulley system with a kettle bell attached to it. It was amazing. And it worked so great. 
The dead-lifts were no big deal- used my old friend, the 70lb KB. Easy day. 
Now for the burpee box jump overs. My absolute worst nightmare. Burpees= the devil. Box jumps= the devil's son. Put them together- Just a hot mess. I can't do burpees or box jumps on a good day! I was hoping he was going to scale me some how so I wouldn't be doing that, but of course not. I did a one armed burpee- and I jumped onto a 45lb plate. It took me forever to get up from the burpee. The workout was only 7  minutes long, so I had to try and haul ass if I wanted to get through at least one full round. Not only did I get through one full round; I made it through the 10 burpee box jumps of the second round! I was so happy that I was able to get that much in! 

My family was going through some old photos from my Aunt's wedding  that was back in July 2010. They were on a DVD, so they were playing for the whole family to see. I couldn't even look at the pictures of myself. I was huge. Way bigger than I am now. I can't believe I let myself get like that. I thought I was looking good in that dress. I decided to make a split shot of myself then, and myself now...just to see the difference, and hope that when I looked at them together, I didn't look the same. 

I'm happy to say that I am proud of my accomplishments so far. I'm no where near where I want to be- but I'm getting there- with every wod, and every good meal choice I make. I can honestly say this is the best I've felt, mentally & physically in a very long time. So for now, I'll keep pressing on- killing wods- and getting closer to my goal every day. 

Love you all more than you'll ever know! <3

Sunday, May 5, 2013

We aren't what we say, we are what we do...

Hey Everyone!

Hope you're all doing well! I'm getting used to this one armed living, finally! From my previous posts, you can tell I was feeling sorry for myself, but I decided that there is nothing I can do & I just have to make do with what I have. I hate having to ask for help with things, but whatever- it'll be over soon!
I went to the doctor last week, & he said I have to go back in 3 weeks, & then he'll decide if I'm healed enough to take the cast off & switch to a splint. All I want is to be able to take a shower without a plastic bag, and put my hair in a pony tail!! Soon enough!

I've had some other eye opening experiences this week, but one  that really stuck was the fact that I had been talking to this guy for a few weeks. I'm interested in him & I thought that he had some interest in me, but after 2 weeks of no communication from him, I'm going to take the hint that  things aren't going anywhere with that. Normally, I would buy some junk food, lock myself in my room, turn on some John Mayer, cry, & eat until I felt horrible about myself. This time, I don't care. I mean, I care, but if he isn't interested, then it's his loss. I know I'm an awesome person, & any guy would be lucky to have someone like me by their side. I'm just going to keep working on me, & let the chips fall where they may!

This was my first full week back at Reebok Crossfit Bare Cove. I was so happy to get back into my old routine. I was actually scared of the repercussions if I didn't go back! Mike texted me last week & basically said that he would come and find me if he didn't see me more in class! I truly believe he would-& I can't even tell you how much I appreciate him being on me about getting to class & emptying the tank while I'm there. I was thinking back to when I first started CF, and how scared I was. Mike is why I stayed. If you live in the south shore area, & you're scared to join- please take it from me-you won't regret it. Mike & all of our members make our box my new favorite place to be. I never knew I'd feel so guilty for not going,or so excited to see my new friends at the gym. It's so crazy how things have changed for me in such a short amount of time. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm still going to the box while I have my cast. When I say yes- they say something along the lines of "you're crazy!" Why wouldn't I go? Mike is working so hard to scale all my movements, and it's not like my legs don't work! I say it every time I post a blog, but I absolutely love him-he's the best coach I could ever ask for- I am eternally grateful for everything he has done & said to keep me going even when I want to quit. That's what I think makes him so awesome- he's on my side & I feel like he's truly there for me. Enough sappy stuff for now- just want to let him know that he's the best and he better not leave, because I'll cry forever. lol..but seriously...

Since the weather has finally started to get better, we've been doing a lot of Wods that incorporate running outside. We have a 200m course set up around the perimeter of our building. 200m doesn't sound like a lot, but I can't run. Seriously  I don't know if it's my lung capacity, but I have such a hard time running. One of this weeks' wods was:

I. EMOTM for 7 minutes
3 Power Cleans (light!) - Focus on form
II. 4 Rounds:
400m Run
7 -Deadlifts

I've sort of mastered the art of the one armed kettle bell power clean, so I know that wouldn't be an issue. 
Deadlifts are my favorite- I actually did my one armed deadlifts with a 70lb KB- so awesome! I felt like I could've actually gone heavier, but that's as big as we had in the gym! The thing that got me was the 400m run- around the building twice. From the get go I knew I would be the last to finish- because I knew I would most likely be walking for most of the wod. People were lapping me left and right, but as they went by, they didn't hesitate to say "great job" "you're doing awesome" etc. If that doesn't keep you going, I don't know what will. On my last leg of the run, my very first crossfit friend, Amy & her friend Marvin (whom I've never met before today) decided that  they would run with me. Amy had already done the wod at 5:30am & just finished her second wod of the day, and she was willing to run another lap with me? How awesome is that. We started out jogging for literally 10 seconds, then I had to walk- we all walked a bit & then Amy said ok- let's run when we get to that cone to the next cone, etc. It made the run seem less daunting having her and Marvin there, going my pace & keeping me motivated  Once we made it back, I still had 7 deadlifts to do. Everyone from our class was there in a circle cheering me on to finish. I busted through those so fast. That's what crossfit is all about- cheering on everyone until the last person is done. I failed to mention that I went to the    6:30 class instead of my normal 5:30 class. I didn't really know some of the people there, and even then, they still cheered me on.  I am so proud and blessed to be a part of such an excellent community. 

I can't believe it's already Monday again tomorrow, but after a full Sunday of meal prep, I'm ready to get back on my paleo saddle & keep myself moving forward. Thanks again for everyone's continued support- you guys are the greatest! <3