Sunday, February 10, 2013

Finding Nemo!

Hey everyone!

What a crazy week it's been! Everything seemed to be going great until that crazy blizzard made an appearance on Friday!! I've been couped up at home, trying to find ways to keep myself occupied...I decided to go with watch as many lifetime movies & episodes of Chicago Fire as I could. Have you guys seen that show? WHOA NELLY- Severide & Casey...SO HOT. I can't even take it. Anyhow, it's been hard  for me these past few days- food wise. I still haven't "cheated" on the paleo challenge, but I didn't think it would affect me so much by being trapped inside. Everyone was mowing down on chips, ice cream, chocolates, pretty much anything they could find in our house. I wanted nothing more than to just bust open a bag of doritos, plop on the couch, and fantasize about Taylor Kinney saving me from a burning building. But then I thought about how hard I have been working, & I refrained. I'm not gonna throw away weeks of hard work just to indulge for a few moments. That's when I realized that I truly am making a lifestyle change. If this was a few weeks ago- I would've said eff it- I'll start again on Monday. Instead, I made some paleo chocolate chip cookies, and continued dreaming of hot firefighters.

Due to the crazy blizzard, my crossfit schedule was severely impaired. I was only able to get there on Monday & Wednesday. I would have gone Thursday, but I was at a "stir event" with one of my girlfriends. That was absolutely hilarious. It was a movie night, followed by pizza and drinks. My friend has a gluten allergy, so pizza was out of the question for both of us. The movie was so cheesy- Safe Haven (based on a Nicholas Sparks book) and there were no guys worth hanging around for- so we busted a move. All in all it was a fail, but a good experience, nonetheless. bahahahahahaha

This week I started keeping a log of my CF workouts/times/weights/ etc.- Just so I know how I'm progressing. We did a WOD this week that I actually liked & didn't feel like passing out immediately after. It was called "The Chief." Here's what it was:

Warm Up:  JunkYard Dog  (LOL)
I have never laughed so hard during a warm up in my life. My coach Mike actually ended up taking the class instead of instructing us, & he was my partner. If you have never heard of the Junkyard dog- please watch this video, and proceed to laugh & picture Mike & I doing this. LOL.
The second part of the junkyard dog may have been the most awkward sauce part of my life. My head was very close to a certain area. Use your imagination. lol. Anywho- here was the WOD:

5 rounds (max rounds in 3 minutes) of:
3- power cleans
6-push ups
9- squats
in each 3 of the 3 minutes, I was able to finish 3 sets of each. I had to make a few adjustments to my workout (push-ups using a box, etc.) but I think I did pretty well. We had a visiting coach helping out- Nicki. She is amazing. I had only met her once before, but she is one of the best cheerleaders. I can't say it enough, but I love everyone there. I have never met a better group of human beings.

I haven't been to CrossFit since Wednesday  and I can totally feel it. It's weird that my body feels better and in less pain when I'm actually at class. I can't wait to get back tomorrow & get back into my routine. For now, I will go prep a plethora of spaghetti squash, sweet potatoes, & chicken for the week...and stave off my craving for a bag of cool ranch doritos with some cashews instead! Enjoy the rest of the weekend & keep warm!

<3 Amanda

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