Monday, June 10, 2013

That barbell looks good on you!

Hey everyone!

I'm so excited this week! Travis (my wicked hot physical therapist who I kinda have a crush on) gave me the okay to use a 15lb barbell at crossfit! WOOT!! I haven't been this excited about working out in a LONG time! He probably got tired of me asking him every single time I saw him, when I might be able to get back on the bar...LOL.

I was really sore this past week- mostly from the BareCove Box Battle. Luckily, Mike programmed a light, active recovery row day for us on Monday. It felt good to be able to row with two hands too! I also took a few days off last week- more than I have in a while. I can't believe how guilty I feel when I don't go to class. I feel like I've committed a crime when I don't go to class. I guess that's the accountability that they want! haha. Anyhow, this week, I'm planning on getting back on my regular schedule- I feel less sore when I actually workout (weird, I know).

Last week (during the box battle) and this past week, box jumps have reemerged into my life. I can't even explain to you the fear that I have when I even read that box jumps are programmed into the wod. I just can't even think of getting back on that box. The week of the box battle, we had box jumps during our wod. I asked Mike what he wanted me to do- i.e. step up on a small box, plate jump, etc. He just looked at me and said "Oh you're stepping up on the box." I legit started crying. I wasn't sure why- I just broke down crying. I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't. I was physically frightened. My partner for the wod was Sarah. Sarah is the most awesome person. She has so much energy- I have no idea where she gets it, but she has it! She just passed her Crossfit Level 1 certification, so she's legit. She also teaches her own sort of boot-camp class to mom's! She's just awesome. Anyhow, she kept telling me that it was just a stupid box, and that I could do it. Even with everyone in my corner, I just couldn't get over the fact that I might fall off of that, and re-injure myself. I know it's possible that I could injure myself doing pretty much anything at the box, but anything requiring that box absolutely freaks me out. I was an emotional mess during that wod- I just stepped up onto a small box- and tried to see through the tears in my eyes. I felt absolutely defeated. Mike kept telling me that I just have a taste aversion to box jumps, but I feel like it's something more than that. I should not be physically frightened by a wooden box!!! Anyway, the next day, I let my partner for the competition, Chris know what was going on with the box. He set me up by the rig, and told me to use it as a railing- just make pretend the box was a really big step, and the rig was the railing. A few of the girls from my class were still there, so they were trying to help me out. I could get up on the box no problem using the "railing." I knew it wouldn't be allowed during the competition, so Chris and I decided that he would do the burpee box jump overs. That's a whole other story- but I know that I'm going to have to face that box again. I have to get back on to it- I don't know why I can't just step up on it like everyone else does. It makes me so upset.

Alex, another friend of mine from class told me that a box is nothing to get upset about. I guess I just have to keep reminding myself of that. Speaking of Alex- he is hilarious. And extremely motivating. He usually is hanging out at the gym a lot- so he's sometimes there when I'm at class. He always makes a point to come over and cheer me on- and keep me going. I'm not sure if he knows how much that means to me, but it's a lot. I say it every time, but people like Alex, Sarah, Mike, & pretty much everyone at my box are the epitome of crossfit. It's the reason that I'm still there- the reason that I show up- the reason that I feel guilty when I don't go to class. I think I've said it before, but I've never had "guy" friends, so having Alex is great- he makes me laugh, and I can talk to him about stuff  if I need to- We can bounce ideas and recipes off of each other, etc. I'm so grateful that he came into my life. Alex, if you're reading this- You are my favorite- Anything you need- you go it! I love ya!

So my favorite wod from this week was most definitely the "Fight Gone Bad!" It sounds terrible, but it's a crossfit benchmark workout! I wish I could have done it RX, but I was glad to just be able to use a barbell! Here's what it consisted of:
“Fight Gone Bad”

3 Round AMRAP – 1 min Stations:
Wall Ball (20/14)
SDHP (75/55)
Box Jump (20″)
Push Press (75/55)
Row (calories)

Since I still can't catch a wall ball, I had to do thrusters with the 15lb bar. I forgot how much I effing hate those. SDHP, or Sumo deadlift high pull is this:
Instead of a the bar, I did it one armed, with a 26lb kettlebell. I used a small box to step up for box jumps, and the 15lb bar for the push press. So how it works is you spend one minute at each station- accumulate as many reps as possible at each station. There is no transition time in between each station- so you really have to bust a move. Luckily, I had my partner, Melissa counting the number of reps for me! I ended up with a total of 253 reps- scaled. I can't wait to do that one again, and be able to do it RX. I know I will kill it once it comes around again. 

So for now, I'll ice my wrist, refresh my computer until the wod is posted, and try and get some sleep. I'll get back on that box- and when I do, I won't be scared. It's going to take time, but it will happen. Have a great week everyone! <3


Here's a pic of Dan Bailey, just because he's handsome. 

And one of Rich Froning, because he's my favorite, and also an incredible athlete. One day I'll meet him and day! 

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